Unraveling Brain Cancer, Inspiring Cure

Postdoctoral Positions Now Available!

Postdoctoral Positions Now Available!

Our Mission…

Our guiding principles are…

Collaboration: TEAM > Individual

United in Innovation - At Ahmed Lab, we transcend roles and stages, from high school students to postdocs, fostering collaboration and shared passion for transforming the future of brain tumor treatment!

Balance: Career with Life

In the Ahmed Lab, we balance innovation with inspiration - working diligently in our cutting-edge facility at the Simpson Querrey building, Northwestern Chicago campus, while also making time to discover the vibrant city of Chicago!

Teaching: A duty to the future

We're committed to fostering the scientific talents of the next generation. To support this goal, we've put together a comprehensive collection of instructional videos. These materials cover essential skills, procedures, and methodologies in the field.

In Sharing: Double the Wisdom!

Empowering Discovery through Sharing - In Ahmed Lab, we champion the principle that collaborative growth in research stems from standing on the shoulders of giants. Explore our curated list of public tools that fuel GBM and cancer research breakthroughs!.

In the Ahmed Lab, we believe that diversity fuels innovation. Our strength lies in the power of unique perspectives uniting for out-of-the-box thinking.

At Ahmed Lab, our core belief is in the vital importance of translational research for glioblastoma. Our focus is on bridging the gap between bench and bedside, bringing hope for better survival rates and enhanced management of brain tumors.

Interested in joining the lab?